2010. január 24., vasárnap

Unified Rifle System (URS)

My search for the ideal military ammo led to the following idea of a cartridge system:


-The case is similar to the Russian SP-5 and SP-6 subsonic assault rifle ammunition, the 7.62x39 necked up to 9 mm.
From left: 7.62x39 for scale, SP-6, SP-5

-This case is not very bottle-shaped but has straight walls, which led to excellent accuracy.
-In this case with a SABOT (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabot) we can put a lot of type of bullets from 6.5 mm calibre 9.3 g (143 grain) Lapua bullet for long range sniping down to a 4.7 mm calibre 3.2 g (49 grain) bullet from the 4.73x33 for G11 (the last one is my personal favorite for average soldiers) been made with spoon tip bullets).
-Even it is possible the case and the SABOT must be made from biodegradable very light plastic, fed by lacquering that prevents it from degradation in the storage period, and let it degrade after it shot from a rifle.
-Of course the loading can be varied from 1.5g (23 grain) to 2.07g (32 grain) depending on the purpose of the cartridge.
-Without a SABOT a 9 mm Beowulf-style subsonic round can be put into the case like in the original Russian SP-5 and SP-6 rounds.

-A 9 mm calibre rifle system must be made for this cartridge. With this calibre we won't have any capillarity problems and with the sabot type rounds the burning will be very effective and the burning gases will push the saboted bullet out of the barrel with greater force exerted to it. Possibly the sabots could be designed so that they help keep the rifle's bore clean.
-The base is a common receiver on which several parts can be installed creating a wide variety of weapons from short barreled CQB weapons to sniper rifle.
-The common receiver must be based on today's most advanced assault rifles: the FN SCAR or the HK 416/417.
-It must be combined a balanced action dual gas-piston system like in the Kalashnikov AK-107 and AK-108 assault rifles.
-The magazine of the rifle system must be available to accept classic 7.62x39 rounds and let it fire from the rifle with only a barrel change needed. I think this last feature is very necessary because our troops often makes operations in areas where lots of AK-s and M43 7.62 (as the world most common cartridge) bullets can be found.
-Other solution is an interchangeable magazine receiver that every soldier can take with himself, this allows the use of the original AK47 mags.
-This system allows to shoot a lot of type of bullets from the same cartridges from the low recoil micro-calibers (without any capillarity problems!) to the heavy sniping and subsonic rounds creating a one-caliber system.
-The SABOT system reduces the importance of the barrel length.

Base idea came from:

So what do you think?

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